Monday, April 23, 2007

10 Things We All Can Do To Save Our World

This list is intended to be a little different from other lists you may have seen. My intention was to think of baby steps that everyone, both rich and poor, can take and contribute toward the solution. They are not listed in any particular order and will hopefully motivate you to do more on your own. I’m including links to more ambitious lists and resources if and when you feel up to the challenge.

1. Walk Whenever Possible
This is a triple whammy effort. Walking more and driving less reduces fossil fuel consumption. In addition it improves our over-all health and results in a better self-image and over-all well being.

2. Change A Light Bulb
Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. Common sense alternatives include simply turning off lights when you aren’t using them or installing and using dimmer switches.

3. Recycle And Reuse
We are nibbling away at our planet and our consumption economy is a major culprit. Let’s stretch the resources we’ve already taken from the planet. Here is a link to help you find “homes” for things you no longer use and to find things you can use:

4. Be Kind To Others
All these wars and conflicts are a complete waste of resources. How do we avoid them? I think we start by being kind, respectful and tolerant of others. And, through our example to family and friends we can make the world a kinder and gentler place. Yeah, this is kind of hokie, but the most effective peace making starts at home.

5. Eat More Fruits And Vegetables
This tackles at least two issues. We are over-fishing our oceans and beef production is a major contributor of methane gas into the atmosphere. By eating more fruits and vegetables (especially raw) we can lose weight and contribute to our over-all health.

6. Spend Less Money
As I mentioned above, our consumer based economy is nibbling away at our planet’s resources. The less we spend, the less we nibble. And, of the money you do spend, choose more sustainable and environmentally conscious products.

7. “Take all you want, but use all that you take” – Don’t Waste
This is the cousin of “recycle and reuse.” I believe there is enough for all 6 plus billion of us as long as we don’t waste. A $20 pair of shoes that you use only once ends up being more expensive than $150 pair of shoes that you wear until they fall apart!

8. Be Creative
I think to one degree or another we all feel unfulfilled. While we can’t control our outside world, we can work on liking ourselves. Part of that puzzle is being able to communicate what is going on inside our heads and very often manifests itself in the creative process. Buying more stuff will not make you happier – fulfilling relationships with others will and they come with healthy communication. Whether you write, paint, sculpt, dance or play an instrument, go and pick your poison! Share your insights with the world and become a happier person.

9. Learn More About The Ecology Of Where You Live
Do you know what plants and animals are native to where you live? Have they changed over the past 500 years? Learn how where you live is both unique yet dependent on the geography around it. If you understand how unique your area is, you will begin to recognize the complex web of life that we are part of and appreciate how urgent our environmental and social problems are.

10. Share These Tips With 10 Friends
People very often think “My actions won’t make enough impact to fix the problem.” What this doesn’t take into account is how your actions and convictions affect others. The world will change through millions of people acting individually and demonstrating change to others. Like the domino effect, the world’s awareness and resolve to build a sustainable future will grow, but it starts with you.

The goal of this list is PROGRESS, not perfection. The funny thing is that through progress we can eventually arrive at perfection. Good luck to us all!

On The Web

Simple Things You Can Do To Minimize Your Carbon Footprint

Quick Guides on Sustainable Solutions

10 Things You Can Do

A Comprehensive List Websites with Action Tools

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